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Music Planner-Cum-Directory

You may be aware that Mudhra has been publishing this music Planner-cum-Directory for the past 21 years. It is gratifying that this directory is being used by almost everybody in the fine arts field and it gives a lot of satisfaction to note that over the years, it has gained good popularity in places outside India as well. Paalam's Directory is the most sought after handbook by musicians, music lovers, organisers & music related personalities.

Every year, apart from incorporating changes in the existing data base, we are also receiving many requests for new inclusions in various categories. Thus, the volume of the book has also been increasing considerably. We aim at covering the entire gamut of the music world so that every artist, young or old, junior or senior gets to have his/ her name included in this directory. We have also included music related contacts as well as artists of other performing arts, so as to give a wider dimension to the directory. For the convenience of artists and art lovers, we have included addresses and phone no. of various press media, private television channels and other useful contact numbers.We have taken meticulous care to include whatsapp & email IDs of artists apart from regular mobile numbers, as internet users have been increasing every year.

This book has indeed become a ready reckoner for many purposes - for organisers to fix artists for concerts, for artists to contact sabhas for concert opportunities or invite rasikas to their performance, for organizers to mail invitations to musicians and rasikas for important programmes, for a student to locate a music teacher or even for fixing a judge for a music competition! It is indeed a tough task to make the entries accurate and we have tried our best. This year, we have circulated a google form to all the existing artists through email, facebook, instagram and twitter. We had a good response from all. This makes our compilation more easier and attain accuracy. The names of artists who have missed to send the google form have been removed and they can update the same next year without fail. To encourage young talents, we have included many of them after valuation of their talent through their profile and youtube links by panel of experts. Anyway, this directory is a labour of our love for music, our passion to serve the art world in our own small way.

Paalam directory is also an excellent medium of advertising music related products, as this directory is in the hands of all users and that too throughout the year.

We are giving a special discount of 25% to bulk purchases (minimum of 25 copies)of the directory. As for individuals living in Chennai who wish to obtain the directory by courier, they may send Rs.330/- (Rs.300 + Rs.50 courier charge) and for outstation(within India), the charges will be Rs.400/-(Rs.300+Rs.100 courier charge) . Payment can be done through Gpay or Bank Transfer.

For copies contact :
Mobile & Whatapp - 9840072821 or 9840639653
Mobile & Whatsapp - 8056065967 / 9003009700 / 9840303403

Musicians Directory